Three members of the Scientific Advisory Board of VBI visited NIMML

On Oct 10th 2012, three members of VBI scientific advisory board (SAB), Dr. Stephan Bieri, Dr. Mike Vorster, and Dr. William J. Feiereisen, visited the Nutritional Immunology and Molecular Medicine Laboratory (NIMML). Director Dr. Josep Bassaganya-Riera presented an overview of the NIMML to the SAB members, including ongoing research focus of the Lab leading the VT Center for Modeling Immunity to Enteric Pathogens and future large-scale funding plans. The SAB members also toured the lab and talked with the scientists and students that were working in the lab.

NIMML senior personnel, Drs. Hontecillas, Mei, Kronsteiner and Hoops briefly described their research focus in experimental or computational immunology. Monica Viladomiu presented her work related to Clostridium difficile infection. Pinyi Lu briefly described his molecular modeling efforts related to drug discovery and development. Adria Carbo presented his work on modeling CD4+ T cell differentiation and toured the Flow Cytometry facility.


The NIMML Institute is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit public charity foundation focused on a transdisciplinary, team-science approach to precision medicine at the interface of immunology, inflammation, and metabolism. The NIMML Institute team has led numerous large-scale transdisciplinary projects and is dedicated to solving important societal problems by combining the expertise of immunologists, computational biologists, toxicologists, modelers, translational researchers, and molecular biologists. The Institute is headquartered in Blacksburg, VA. For more information, please visit or contact

scientific advisory board of VBIVBI Scientific Advisory Board, Left to right: William J. Feiereisen, Richard W. Siegel, Stephan Bieri, Paul Keim, William Gelbart.